Lachhru Kalan village is located in Rajpura Tehsil of Patiala district in Punjab, India. It is situated 32km away from sub-district headquarter Rajpura and 32km away from district headquarter Patiala. Lachhru Kalan village is also a gram panchayat.
The total geographical area of village is 339 hectares. Lachhru Kalan has a total population of 1,703 peoples. There are about 347 houses in Lachhru Kalan village. Ghanaur is nearest town to Lachhru Kalan.
This Islamia School was established in 1990 with the help of few concerned people and was taken over by Punjab Wakf Board in 1993 to extend its support to the families and children of the village.
It’s a primary school with a strength of 68 children and 5 dedicated teachers appointed by the Board. The school has its affiliation with Punjab School Education Board, Mohali. It has one office, six classrooms, three verandahs, one open court yard.